Prices of piano lessons

Prices of Piano lessons

Here is an overview of the prices of piano lessons we offer. The same prices apply for online lessons.

Prices piano children 20151129Prices piano adults 20151129











* For students who like to attend single lessons with no commitment the price will be 50 € per hour for under 21 years old and 60 € per hour for older than 21 years old.

Cancellation Policy

In order for the students to have a consistent progress, please observe and respect the following points:

School vacations and national holidays

During this period students/parents are free to choose whether they like to take the lessons or not. This needs to be discussed in advance with the teacher to check availability.

24 hour notice

The student/parent is allowed to cancel a lesson one time in a month with a notice of at least 24 hours in advance. At another time which is convenient for both sides there can be a make-up lesson for this missed class. If not informed within this period the student will be charged for the full amount of the lesson.

There are exceptions in case of a sudden sickness or emergency.

Please notice that the lesson time is reserved for the student each week whether the student does or does not attend. Your tuition pays for this scheduled time as well as the time of the preparation of the teacher for this class.

Payment method

The tuition is to be paid in advance at the beginning of the month after receiving an invoice from the teacher. Payment can be done by bank transfer to the account below.

  • Name accountholder: The Home of Arts
  • Place: Utrecht
  • Country: The Netherlands
  • IBAN: NL41 INGB 0006806839

As description please add the name of the student and the invoice number.